JG Engineering Supplies Ltd 01-4730900

M18 X 1.5 Baer® Tap Set (262637202)

Product information

BAER HSSG Hand Tap Set (2pcs.) MF 18 x 1.5

  • Doppelte Power für perfekte Gewinde – Jeder Gewindebohrer übernimmt seinen Part für das perfekte Ergebnis!
  • Zweiteiliger Handgewindebohrer-Satz aus geschliffenem HSS-Stahl
  • Form C mit geraden Nuten für Löcher, die durch das Werkstück durch gehen (Durchgangslöcher), oder solche, die im Werkstück enden (Sacklöcher), mit einer Gewindetiefe bis zu 2 x Durchmesser
  • Geeignet für die Bearbeitung von gut zerspanbaren Materialien wie unlegierte und niedriglegierte Stähle bis 900 N/mm².
  • Schaft mit reduziertem Durchmesser – Schaftdurchmesser ist kleiner als das Gewinde für präzises Arbeiten

The hand tap set consists of two taps and allows you to cut a finished thread with significantly reduced risk of breakage. The advantage of two-piece hand taps is that the respective parts of a set share the cutting power: The taper tap (No. 1) (marked with a ring) removes 65 per cent of the thread profile and the and brings the thread into shape. The finishing tap (No. 3) has no ring marking and cuts the remaining thread profile to produce the 100% full and usable thread. The division of labour between the two screw tap makes it easier to cut a straight and clean thread by hand.
Compared to the machine tap, the hand tap has a short shank. This allows you to cut internal thread by hand without jamming and can be operated with tap wrenches, tool ratchets or other holding tools with square drive.
The thread can be cut in a pre-drilled core hole.
Due to the short chamfer of the finish tap, the hand tap set can be used reliably and universally for through holes and blind holes.
As a rule, two-piece hand taps- sets are used for fine threads with a smaller pitch than with coarse thread, as the thread profile surface is smaller than with coarse threads and the force effects on the taps are smaller.


Diameter 18
Nominal diameter in inches 0,709
Nominal diameter in mm 18
Pitch 1,5
Pitch in mm 1,5
Dimension MF 18 x 1,5


Product group Screw taps
Product type Hand tap sets
Thread standard MF: Metric ISO fine thread according to DIN 13
Tolerance ISO2/6H
Direction Right
Standard DIN 2181
Tensile strength at room temperature up to 900 N/mm² | 27.1 HRC
Material HSSG bright

Core hole diameter: 16.5 mm
Core hole diameter
16.5 mm
Bild Lochtyp: https://media.baer.tools/media/vector/19/52/9d/durchgangsloch_und_sackloch.svg
Hole type
Through hole and blind hole up to 2 x D
Bild Form: https://media.baer.tools/media/vector/3f/1d/45/gewindebohrer_gerade_nuten.svg
Form / Geometry
Form C straight fluted
Bild Anschnitt: https://media.baer.tools/media/vector/59/5d/26/gewindebohrer_anschnitt.svg
2-3 threads
Bild Spanabfuhr
Chip removal
Rarely occurs. Chips remain in flutes.
Bild Kühlung: https://media.baer.tools/media/vector/41/a7/9a/gewindebohrer_aussenkuehlung.svg
External cooling and lubrication
Bild Material: https://media.baer.tools/media/vector/c8/8d/2f/gewindebohrer_blank.svg
HSSG bright
Bild Zugfestigkeit: https://media.baer.tools/media/vector/c0/4a/39/zugfestigkeit.svg
Tensile strength at room temperature
up to 900 N/mm² | 27.1 HRC
Tolerance: ISO2/6H



  • Materials with good machinability up to 900 N/mm²
  • Unalloyed and low-alloy steels


Examples of applications


  • Spark plug thread M18x1,5
  • Glow plug thread M18x1,5
  • compatible to thread of spark plugs and glow plugs of various manufacturers like BOSCH, NGK, Brisk etc.


Technical drawing

D1 MF 18 x 1,5
D2 14 mm
L1 80 mm
L2 22 mm
Diameter 18
Square 11 mm

Application – Sample materials for taps

Unalloyed construction steels
1.0035 S185 (St33)
1.0036 S235JRH
1.0038 RSt37-2
1.0039 S235JRG1+CR
1.0044 St44-2
1.0060 E335 (St60-2)
1.0116 St37-3
1.0570 St 52-3
Alloyed construction steels
1.5415 15Mo3
1.5423 16Mo5
1.5622 14Ni6
1.7335 13CrMo44
1.7337 16CrMo44
1.7715 14MoV63
Free-cutting steels
1.0711 9S20
1.0715 9SMn28
1.0718 11SMnPb30
1.0721 10S20
1.0723 15S20
1.0726 35S20
1.0737 9SMnPb36
1.0758 60SPb20
Case-hardening steels
1.0401 (C15)
1.7016 17CR3
1.7131 16MnCr5
1.5919 15CrNi6
Quenched and tempered steels unalloyed
1.0402 C 22
1.1151 C22E (Ck22)
1.0503 C 45
1.1191 C45E (Ck45)
Cast steel
1.0420 GS-38
1.5419 GS-22 Mo 4
1.6750 GS-20 NiCrMo3 7
1.7357 GS-17 CrMo 5 5
Malleable cast iron
0.8145 EN-GJMB 450-6
0.8170 EN-GJMB 700-2
0.8045 EN-GJMW-450-7
0.8055 EN-GJMW-550-4
Pure copper low-alloyed
2.0240 CuZn15
2.0265 CuZn30
Brass short-chipping
2.0401 CuZn39Pb3
Brass long-chipping
2.0321 CuZn37
2.0335 CuZn36
2.0360 CuZn40
Aluminum cast Si > 5-12 %
3.2161 G-AlSi8Cu3
3.2163 G-AlSi9Cu3
3.2381 G-AlSi10Mg
3.2583 G-AlSi12(Cu)
Lamellar graphite cast iron
0.6010 EN-GJL 100 (GG-10)
0.6020 EN-GJL 200 (GG -20)
0.6025 EN-GJL 250 (GG-25)
0.6030 EN-GJL 300 (GG -30)
Copper-tin alloy (bronze) short-chipping
2.1090.01 G-CuSn7ZnPb
2.1086.01 G-CuSn10Zn
2.1097 G-CuSn5ZnPb
Pure copper, low-alloyed copper
2.0240 CuZn15
2.0265 CuZn30

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