About Us
JG Engineering Supplies Ltd was founded in 1979 by John Grant. John who previously worked in Semperit Tyres Ireland Ltd as Senior Engineering Purchaser and before that as a Mechanical Engineering Teacher in Bolton St College.
The first products we sold were Circlips and Pins of all types and shapes. Helicoils and all other allied Fasteners in both Stainless Steel and HT and many other Materials, soon followed. We are very proud of our technical help we offer to all our customers no matter how small the order. We are always there to help.
In the 41 years of trading we have expanded and diversified to include a Hardware range of products and now stock more that 40,000 items. So what ever you are looking for we will have it for you when you need it most.
We treat every order the same regardless of quantity and remember, if we don’t have it we’ll get it!