Complete BaerCoil Thread-Repair-Kit
1 x HSSG BaerCoil Standard Drill
1 x HSSG BaerCoil Tap
1 x BaerCoil Inserting Tool
1 x BaerCoil Tang Break Tool
+ 5 BaerCoil Wire-Thread-Inserts "free running", stainless steel (ASIS 304), lenght: 1,5 x D
BaerCoil instruction for use
Technical Information
Drill Sizes
BA Wire Thread Inserts - Dimensions
- Thread Repair of damaged or worn-out threads
- Recovery of rejected items
- Thread Armour Plating. For material with low shear
strenght eg. aluminium alloys and magnesium alloys.
Due to narrow and exact tolerances the new thread
normally is stronger than the original one.
Use in machine-building, electrical, automotive,
medical and aerospace industries.